MgO Class
- class MgO(gamma_eff: float = 1.1, initial_density: float = 3.58, is_stochastic: bool = False, released: bool = True)
Initializer of the MgO class.
- Parameters:
gamma_eff – \(\Gamma_{eff}\) is the updated Mie-Grüneisen (MG) parameter \(\Gamma\) for the linear reference of the Mie-Grüneisen (MGLR) model, that assumes the release path can be accurately reproduced with constant \(\Gamma\) along nearly its entirety. More details on the process of calculating the \(\Gamma_{eff}\) given experimental data can be found in [1]. Default value for MgO \(\Gamma_{eff}=1.1\).
initial_density – Density of MgO material at ambient environment conditions found here. Default Value \(3.58\). Units: \(g/cm^3\).
is_stochastic –
Boolean that defines if the Hugoniot used for this material is the deterministic one or multiple Hugoniots that are produced as a result of the Bayesian Inference framework will be used.
Default value:
.released –
released: Boolean parameter indicating whether the reflected shock produced at the interface of the current material with the next is a rarefaction or a reshock.
Default value:
- analytical_shock_velocity_equation(parameters: list, hugoniot_particle_velocity: ndarray)
Analytical Hugoniot equation for MgO, given by the following second order polynomial. \(U_s = a_0+a_1 \cdot u_p + a_2 \cdot u_p^2\)
- Parameters:
parameters – A list containing the parameters \([a_0, a_1, a_2]\).
hugoniot_particle_velocity – The particle velocity \((u_p)\) domain where the values of the shock velocities \(U_s\) of the MgO will be calculated.
- MgO.nominal_hugoniot: Hugoniot
This attribute represents the deterministic value all possible shocked states of the MgO material. It is derived from the least-square fitting of its analytical equation to the experimental data. The fit of the data to a quadratic polynomial yields the following coefficients. \(\{a_0, a_1, a_2\} = \{6.6161, 1.4111, -0.016277\}\)
- MgO.hugoniots_list
A list of the possible material Hugoniots. If the initialization parameter
is False, then the nominal Hugoniot will be a member of the list. Otherwise, uncertain Hugoniots are generated using samples produced by the Bayesian Inference and are contained in thesamplesMgO.p
pickle file, inside the data folder of the materials_database module.