
Kapton Class


class Kapton(gamma_eff: float = 0.6, initial_density: float = 1.33, released: bool = False)

Initializer of the Kapton class.

  • gamma_eff\(\Gamma_{eff}\) is the updated Mie-Grüneisen (MG) parameter \(\Gamma\) for the linear reference of the Mie-Grüneisen (MGLR) model, that assumes the release path can be accurately reproduced with constant \(\Gamma\) along nearly its entirety. More details on the process of calculating the \(\Gamma_{eff}\) given experimental data can be found in [1]. Default value for Kapton \(\Gamma_{eff}=0.6\).

  • initial_density – Density of Kapton material at ambient environment conditions found here. Default Value \(1.33\). Units: \(g/cm^3\).

  • released

    Boolean parameter indicating whether the reflected shock produced at the interface of the current material with the next is a rarefaction or a reshock.

    • If True, then the algorithms assumes that the material undergoes release and compute the release part of the isentrope.

    • If False, then the algorithm assumes the material will be reshocked and computed the respective part of the isentrope.

    Default value: False.


Kapton.nominal_hugoniot: Hugoniot

This attribute represents the deterministic value all possible shocked states of the Kapton material. Since we did not have access to experimental data to learn the relationship between shock \((U_s)\) and particle velocities \((u_p)\) of the Kapton Hugoniot, it is extracted from the hugoniot command of HYADES hydrocode [2]. The extracted data can be found inside the kapton_hugoniot.txt file inside the data folder of the material database module.

Kapton.hugoniots_list: list[Hugoniot]

A list of possible material Hugoniots. Since Kapton is deterministic it contains the data for only one Hugoniot curve.