Isentrope -------------------- The class Isentrope defined below is an dataclass that contains all relevant information for the release/reshock curve of a material. Isentrope Class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: ShockPy.shock_wave_compression.material_states.Isentrope Inside :py:mod:`ShockPy` there are two ways of calculating the release or reshock of one material, to reach the impedance of the next during a shock-wave experiment. The first one is the rough approximation of the release isentrope using the reflected Hugoniot. The second approximation is an integrated isentrope approach introduced for Quartz in :cite:`Knudson`. The classes that enable both implementations are described below. Both classes can be considered as static and provide two methods. One for calculation of the isentrope named :code:`calculate_isentrope` that aids in the forward propagation of the shock-wave experiment, while the second called :code:`find_previous_material_isentrope` identifies the isentrope of the previous material that goes through the current material shocked state. Reflected Hugoniot Class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: ShockPy.shock_wave_compression.material_states.isentrope_calculators.ReflectedHugoniot :members: calculate_isentrope, find_previous_material_isentrope Integrated Isentrope Class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: ShockPy.shock_wave_compression.material_states.isentrope_calculators.IntegratedIsentrope :members: calculate_isentrope, find_previous_material_isentrope